These Cities Have the Cheapest Beer in the World

Time for a trip across the Atlantic.

Serious beer drinkers, you should be aware: There’s something called the “beer price index,” and it’s here to help you navigate the world of brewskis without lightening your wallet too much.

The thorough and comprehensive list, released annually by travel search engine GoEuro, compares data from 70 cities to figure out where beer is the priciest, where it’s the cheapest, and where it’s somewhere in between. The list also highlights the contrast between each city's average per-capita beer expenditure and its average per-capita beer consumption in gallons, which means you can not only find out where you’ll get the most beer for your buck, but you can also see where you’ll be in the best company with other thrifty beer-guzzlers.

So, where can you find the ultimate beer deal? Why, in Bratislava, Slovakia, of course-no surprise there, as the city has clinched the top spot on the list for the last two years. Bratislava may not be the first to come to mind when you’re planning a Euro trip, but it’s actually seen tons of growth in its beer industry, with many microbreweries opening up over the past few years. A beer in Bratislava will cost you, on average, just $1.65.

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After Bratislava, the next best deals can be found in Kiev ($1.66), Cape Town ($1.87), Krakow ($1.87) and Mexico City ($2.13). Compared with American cities like Los Angeles ($3.64), Chicago ($4.48), and New York ($5.36), those are beyond excellent bargains.

Meanwhile, it might be fun to visit Lausanne in Switzerland ($9.51), Hong Kong ($6.22), Singapore ($5.75), and Zurich ($5.69)...but not if you’re hoping to drink for cheap. In Lausanne, the estimated average cost of an 11-ounce beer in a restaurant is a whopping $17.60, and the city’s citizens spend an average of-gulp- $1,598.27 annually on beer alone.

If you’re simply hoping to be in the company of other beer-lovers, however, you’ll want to look at the average beer consumption stats. People in Prague drink an average of 38 gallons of beer annually, while Krakow residents drink 34. Canadians can be proud of beer-loving Torontonians, who drink 31 gallons per year.

So...anyone up for a trip to Eastern Europe?

This article was originally published on Food&