A New 'Christmas Vacation' Pop-up Bar Exists, and We're Ready for a Round of Cousin Eddie's Eggnog

Christmas-themed pop-up bars aren’t a new concept by any means, but this Christmas Vacation-themed bar is an entirely unique (and wholly incredible) holiday experience.

The Houndstooth Saloon in Chicago took spiked eggnog and hotty toddys one step further, creating a holiday drinking experience that transports you right into Griswold’s 1989 living room.

All of your favorite National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation scenes are represented in the newly-transformed space, from a tiki bar inspired by the pool scene to the scorched Christmas tree decked out in a few too many lights. Cousin Eddie’s RV is even parked right out front.

The Wrigleyville destination kicked off their new holiday look on Sunday, Nov. 17th with cocktails and free hot chocolate served by “Cousin Eddie” himself.

The family camper will be parked out front on the weekends, but ‘80s inspired menu specialties like Aunt Bethany’s Jell-O, turkey legs, and “TV Dinners” will be available all holiday season long.

Read more: This Insanely Easy Boozy Cider Will Be Your New Holiday Go-To