This Christmas Tree Stand Will Save You So Much Time

Last year was my first experience buying a real Christmas tree. I packed up my family and we made the inaugural trip to the Christmas tree farm to learn about the different types of trees and find the best one for our home. It felt incredibly satisfying to touch and smell a real tree, cut it down, strap it to our car, and haul it home.

Then came the tricky part: Setting it up. I assumed we would just neatly place the tree in the tree stand and my tree would snap in place and stay perfect until New Year’s Day. My husband and I used one of those adjustable tree stand bases and quickly learned it was not exactly the easiest thing to adjust. After a few spirited attempts to get the tree straight, I knew there had to be a better way of setting up a real Christmas tree.

Fast forward a year, and I’ve successfully avoided marital conflict thanks to a super-handy tree stand that straightens our tree with a foot pedal. The Krinner Tree Genie, $70, caught my eye because of its 4.7-star rating and 1,430+ Amazon reviews. So, naturally, I ordered it.

Image courtesy of Amazon

Setting Up My Christmas Tree

Setting up this sturdy tree stand was simple. (Honestly, getting the box open was the most challenging part.) My husband and I put the stand on the floor where we wanted my tree, pushed the lever up, placed the tree in the hole, and pumped the lever with a foot until the bell dinged. The medium size easily accommodated a 6-foot Fraser fir Christmas tree. When the bell dinged, I checked to ensure the tree was straight and, sure enough, it was. This whole process took 21 seconds. Once the tree was secured, I poured water into its base. A handy water level indicator even informs you how much is in store—a pleasant change from the overflow situation I had last year when I watered our tree.

Why I'm Glad I Bought It

In a single word, ease. It took maybe a minute to place our tree in the stand, pump it with my foot, and get it perfectly in place. No arguing with my husband. No settling on a sort-of-straight tree. We got our tree set up in record time, which allowed me more time to arrange (and rearrange) its ornaments. Did this tree stand cost twice as much as the one I bought last year? Yes. But I can more than justify the purchase. It’s still less expensive than going out for a nice dinner and a movie, and it saved us a tremendous amount of time.

Buy It: The Krinner Tree Genie, $70