This Guy Wants Your Holiday Party to Not Be Lame

Amy Albert


As we mentioned with our guide to a do-ahead Christmas party, being prepared is key. But sometimes, there’s more to a great bash than making the punch ahead of time. Here are some simple do’s and dont’s that will ensure Christmas cheer.

DO make as much ahead as possible, even if it means starting a week before. Check out our party timeline for a guide.

DON’T panic if you don’t have everything ready on the dot; just be sure the punch and at least one hors d’oeuvre are set out.

SEE MORE: 10 Last-Minute Christmas Dinners (Ready in Under an Hour)

DO make sure you have enough punch or backup booze: It’s what keeps the party going.

DON’T forget to make the table colorful, from the food to the plates and napkins.

DON’T feel that all the food has to be in one place. Creating stations around the room (or house) prevents bottlenecks and promotes mingling.

SEE MORE: 13 Extreme Gingerbread Houses

DO enlist someone to help keep an eye on the stations so you’ll know when to refill serving bowls.

DO have plastic containers or bags at the ready so friends can take home leftovers. That ham is big.

DON’T forget to plan your leftover brunch. Enjoy the jam tarts with coffee; spread the salmon dip on bagels; and dice the ham and cube the rolls for a breakfast casserole.

DON’T forget the antlers for the family dog.

More from Bon Appetit: 
The Ultimate Sugar Cookie Recipe for All Your  Christmas Cookie Needs
How to Solve Your Cookie-Baking Conundrums
Sweet and Savory Christmas Day Breakfast
Christmas Party Dos and Dont’s
