The Best Christmas Gifts Under $10 (That Look Anything But Cheap)

When the holiday season is in full swing, do you find that your Christmas gift list just keeps growing? Us too. That's why we made this list of Christmas gifts under $10. Stock up on these inexpensive Christmas gifts now and when December rolls around, you'll be glad you did. The best part about these cheap Christmas gifts is that no one will be the wiser. When you're invited to a neighbor's Christmas party and want to bring a little token of thanks, reach into your closet and grab one of these gifts on your way out the door. When your friends who promised they wouldn't do Christmas presents this year show up at your door with Christmas gifts (believe us, they will), you'll be prepared with a little something to give them in return. These gifts are stocking-stuffer and secret Santa ready, and you'll be amazed that each one is less than $10.

Our picks for the best inexpensive Christmas presents can be given as presents to friends, neighbors, co-workers, kids' teachers—anyone. With these Christmas gifts under $10, you won't be the friend who forgot a gift, and you won't be the friend who spent too much money either.