Christina Hendricks Revealed She Was the Hand Model on the American Beauty Movie Poster

Hello. Hi. You look divine. Thank you, I'm wearing a Christian Siriano. I love it. [LAUGH]. [MUSIC] At what point did there start to be attention being put on the kind of wome you were dressing that it seemed as if you were doing something different? Did you have a strategy? Or did you just think, "I want to dress this amazingly talented person? Yeah, no, I never even thought about it. I literally just was like, 'I love this person, and I just want to work with them.' When you called, I was like, 'of course I would make your dress.' When Oprah calls, of course you're going to make her, like who woudn't want to work with amaizng people? Who wouldn't want to make Oprah a dress? Exactly. So, I always thought that was so funny that it was like such like such a different thing, especially I think that you know I was a young designer. I was just excited to work with everybody, and why not. You were one of my firsr red carpet moments ever, and I'll never forget it. So fabulous. What are some of favorite moments when you created a dress. That helps a woman change how she felt about herself. Where a woman said, I never knew I could look this way or, I've never felt this confident or this beautiful in a dress. Honestly, you know what, I hope it happens every day. I mean, I remember we dressed Cardi B for SNL. She was gonna reveal onstage that she was pregnant. And Cardi is Crazy and wild and super eccentric and trust me a moment to dress. But it was actually a very real moment on stage. She was like I feel so beautiful, and that was like a really cool moment. >A moment she'll never forget. >I think so. I hope so. >Absolutely.

As far as movie posters go, American Beauty’s is easily recognizable: a hand clutching a rose laid atop someone’s bare stomach. Now, nearly 20 years later, Christina Hendricks has revealed a major secret: she was actually the hand model in the iconic image.

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Plenty of Hendricks’s fans flocked to the comments to share that they were, as one user put it, “rocked to my core.” But it wasn’t just fans who were shocked by the revelation; several celebs weighed in with their surprise as well.

“WHOA,” Allison Brie wrote in all caps, while Elle Fanning commented “I’M SHOOK.” January Jones called the announcement “important information,” and Rachael Leigh Cook wondered: “What else are you hiding from us?” Honestly, it's a good question.

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American Beauty was released in September 1999 — the same year Hendricks made her television debut. The actor has been busy recently with her TV series Good Girls, as well as voicing a character in Toy Story 4.