Christian Bale Has *This* in Common with His ‘Vice’ Character Dick Cheney (and We Had No Idea)

When Christian Bale took on the role of former vice president Dick Cheney in 2018's Vice, he went to great lengths to get in character. (Read: He packed on a few pounds.) But we just found out that the 45-year-old actor (who happens to be nominated for Best Actor at this Sunday's Academy Awards) shared more than just a physical likeness with the dude he called “Satan” on stage.

The actor actually has the same birthday as Cheney. That, friends, is what we call a ~coincidence~.

According to the glorious resource that is the internet, Richard "Dick" Bruce Cheney was born on January 30, 1941. Thirty-three years to the day, Christian Bale was born. Their contributions to the world? Vastly different. (Unless Cheney was behind that Batman mask the entire time, in which case, we have a lot of feelings.)

This also means that both Bale and Cheney are Aquarians, air signs who are known for being abstract thinkers and individualists, who don't play by or conform to the rules. Sound familiar? Aquarius also rules political there's that.

Truth be told, this little tidbit of information is of no real importance. Like, we're pretty sure they didn't call each other up to share well-wishes on the day of. But now you can whip it out as a fun fact at your Oscars viewing party. (You're welcome.)

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