Chrissy Teigen and John Legend took Luna to Hong Kong Disneyland, and the pictures are almost too cute to handle

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend took Luna to Hong Kong Disneyland, and they shared a bunch of cute pictures and videos from their trip. See them here.

Pretty much everything that Chrissy Teigen and John Legend do is wonderful. It’s a bold statement to make, but they prove it to be true time and time again. From donating to important causes like Time’s Up to throwing their dogs a wedding, they’re pretty much everything we want to be. We’ll ask again: Hey you two. Want to adopt us?

And now, to make matters even cuter, the Teigen-Legend family is in Disneyland. That’s right, the fam is sharing pictures from their magical trip to Hong Kong Disneyland, and our hearts are overwhelmed with joy. (And envy.) Can you imagine running into Teigen, Legend, and Baby Luna at Disneyland? Or better yet, posing for a picture with Minnie Mouse, Teigen, Legend, and Baby Luna? It’s truly the happiest place on Earth. The videos and pictures Teigen and Legend have been sharing of Luna at the park are beyond adorable.

Let’s all book tickets to Hong Kong right now, shall we? First of all, pretty much no one has ever looked cuter in Minnie Mouse ears than Teigen does. We are also officially petitioning for Luna to be the next Belle.

my belle #disneylandhongkong

A post shared by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) on Mar 10, 2018 at 4:55am PST

Look at how happy John Legend and his daughter are. Disneyland really, truly brings out genuine smiles.

It’s a small world after all! #hongkongdisneyland

A post shared by John Legend (@johnlegend) on Mar 9, 2018 at 11:02pm PST

Okay, maybe Luna can give her mama a run for her money with those Minnie ears of her own.


A post shared by John Legend (@johnlegend) on Mar 9, 2018 at 11:06pm PST

And naturally, because Teigen is hilarious, she shared a video of Luna that has us laughing and aww-ing at the same time.

Captioned “she lets me hug her once a week,” we get to see Luna full embracing Minnie Mouse.

she lets me hug her once a week

A post shared by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) on Mar 10, 2018 at 4:59am PST

Who do you think was more starstruck: Luna or Minnie? Keep the cute family pics coming!