Chris Pratt gets real about some modeling shots, and it just makes us heart him more

Chris Pratt gets real about some modeling shots, and it just makes us heart him more

Chris Pratt gets real about some modeling shots, and it just makes us heart him more
Chris Pratt gets real about some modeling shots, and it just makes us heart him more

Chris Pratt is our favorite boy-next-door turned drop-dead-stud, and he and wife Anna Faris are the definition of #relationshipgoals. Chris is being featured as InStyle Magazine’s “Man of Style,” and he has been sharing the pics on Instagram with his typically adorable sense of humor.

Chris may be a georgeous movie star, but he’s not too proud to reveal how awkward modeling makes him feel.

Chris adds in the caption,

Full disclosure I did not pick out any of the clothes which is kinda funny for a guy who is called the “man of style” I mostly like T shirts with American flags on them. Usually I go for the one on the top of the “shirt pile” but I want to promote this nice magazine called In Style Magazine because everyone who was there that hot day we were doing the photo shoot was really nice.”


OMG, could he be any more lovable? He has such a down-to-earth sense of humor about himself, and it really just makes him sexier. I mean, look at that smolder in the photo!

Chris tells it like it is at a photo shoot, and we appreciate that!

Chris has got us LOLing with that post. I was sweating so bad they give me that hat.” We totally believe you, but at the same time, dang that hat looks good!

When he strikes a true perfect model pose, he can’t let us think he’s too serious.

This caption perfectly encapsulates what most male models must be thinking when people ask them to do this pose.

Chris also made a big deal in his first post about the fact that he was hanging out with a horse.

“I feel like I took some pictures with some horses but those didn’t make the magazine. Maybe I accidentally closed my eyes or maybe the horse’s agent threw a Hollywood bitch fit for some reason”

Well, InStyle heard him, and then he posted this pic:

“Proof! I did stand next to a horse. And also, I put that hat on the horses head. Boom. My idea! #classic And it didn’t even freak out. I learned how to do that when I was making the #magnificent7 I basically learned a ton about dressing horses in funny clothes, hats, scarves, the like, you’ll see a lot of that in the movie. Our horses are wearing funny little hats and boots and smoking pipes. Does anyone ever read this shit? Haha! That’s not true. None of it. Well the part about me putting the hat on the horses head is true. I’m like the horse whisperer. Right after this I got it to stand on one foot and break a board with a blind fold on. Then I jumped it. Over a mountain. Not to brag.”

Yes, Chris, people DO read this shit, and we think it’s #adorbs. We totally believe that you would put a tiny hat on a horse, and then pose very seriously with it. We eagerly await the photos of you and the horse jumping over a mountain.

We are totally into Chris’ hilarious take on modeling. It reminds us of another of our faves giving us all an acting lesson.

Joey Smell the Fart
Joey Smell the Fart

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