Chris Hemsworth’s Shirtless Body Is a Major Distraction to Costars

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Men's Health

Let's face it: As much as we love Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pine, and Chris Evans, it can be hard to tell the Hollywood actors apart. Besides having the same first name, they all star in our favorite superhero and sci-fi movies; their fitness games are all on-point; if you blurred your eyes and looked at the four of them, you'd be hard-pressed to tell which Chris was which.

To help you keep track of everyone's favorite Chrises, we're rounding up what each of them got up to during the week. Welcome to This Week in Chrises.

Chris Hemsworth: Is distracting his costars with his abs

Though Hemsworth himself has been lying low these last few weeks, his Bad Times at the El Royale costar Dakota Johnson has been doing lots of PR for him - and his badass body.

"I think it was a really big mistake to have him take his shirt off," Johnson told Entertainment Tonight's Carly Steele this week about the several shirtless scenes featuring Hemsworth in the movie. "Because it's all you can look at. It's so astonishing. It's really impressive." She also let slip, "He may or may not do a little dance of sorts. And it's so, so spectacular."

Hemsworth just can't stop impressing his cast-mates with his muscles, it seems. To work toward that Thor-like body, check out our Hemsworth-inspired workout.

Chris Evans: Wished Captain America a happy birthday

The Fourth of July was a very special day for a certain Marvel superhero played by Chris Evans. On Wednesday, the actor tweeted: "Happy 4th everyone!! I love this country and I’m proud of how far we’ve come. Be safe today! Also, Happy Birthday to a very good friend of mine. I hear 100 is the new 20."

In case you couldn't decipher that, ScreenRant explained that Captain America's birthday is mentioned in The Adventures of Captain America #1 as July 4, 1917. Technically, Evans is a year off and Steve Rogers is actually 101 now, but really, who's counting?

Chris Pratt: Is pumped for Nick Offerman's new show

Chris Pratt had a serious case of nostalgia after catching his old Parks and Rec family together. Earlier this week, while driving down Sunset Blvd. in Los Angeles, Pratt caught sight of a billboard for Nick Offerman and Amy Poehler's new crafting show Making It.

"Saw this billboard on Sunset just now featuring my Parks Fam @amypoehlersmartgirls and @nickofferman Right as I snapped it R.E.M.’s “The One I Love” came on which is @mradamscott ’s favorite band. Awesome," Pratt wrote in the caption. Uh, can the new show conveniently feature a Parks and Rec reunion?

Chris Pine: Is pairing up with Patty Jenkins yet again

Chris Pine and Patty Jenkins can't get enough of each other. Not only is the actor back for the Wonder Woman sequel despite his character's apparent demise, but he also has a new TV show coming out with the Wonder Woman director.

According to ET, Pine is set to star in the 2019 TNT show I Am the Night, a thriller set to real-life events.

As ET reported, the show follows Fauna Hodel "who was given away at birth. As she begins to investigate the secrets of her past, Fauna follows a sinister trail that leads her closer to an infamous Hollywood gynecologist, Dr. George Hodel (Jefferson Mays), a man involved in the darkest Hollywood debauchery." Pine will play a Marine-turned-reporter named Jay Singletary in the show.

So really, 2019 is truly shaping up to be the year of Chris Pine. And nobody is mad at that.

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