Chris Harrison Just Trolled Everyone With a Pic of Peter Weber and Producer Julie LaPlaca

Photo credit: John Fleenor - Getty Images
Photo credit: John Fleenor - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

We’re only a few weeks out from the end of Peter Weber’s season and literally no one has any idea how the show ends. But! There are a lot of compelling theories, including the Hannah Ann Venmo Theory, the Madison Prewett Eliminates Herself Theory, and my personal favorite: the Producer Theory.

Fans of this theory think that Peter ends up with Bachelor producer Julie LaPlaca, and they have all sorts of proof—including pictures of Peter and Julie hanging together on New Year’s Eve. Julie hasn’t responded to any of the speculation about her and Peter on Instagram, but Chris Harrison is out here trolling fans with a pic of them hanging out BTS at what looks to be the airport:

LOL, classic Chris Harrison,

Also, it might interest you to know that ABC exec Rob Mills was straight-up asked about Julie and Peter in an interview, and he didn’t fully shut the theory down:

“Well, I hate to get in the way of a good rumor, so I’m not going to confirm or deny about whether he ends up with a producer!” Rob told Entertainment Tonight. “I don’t know how we’d ever top that though! But it is crazy. What we’ve seen about the finale over the years is that the ‘finale’ is really on that night when the show goes live. There’s a lot of craziness, it’s a roller coaster, but I would say even now the roller coaster hasn’t ended, and it won’t end until after After the Final Rose.”

Ugh, guess we have to wait it out a few weeks to find out what happens—but in the meantime...

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