Chris Gregson And Andy Anderson Surprise Us All In This Game Of SKATE

We've seen some heavy Mano A Mano matches over the years but this battle between Andy Anderson and Chris Gregson sits high up on that list.

Both of them stepped to the Woodward mini ramp with big hair and deep bags of tricks making this one of the most interesting (always the case with Andy Anderson) and entertaining games of SKATE we've seen in a while.

That first trick that Andy does is funny in a way, but in reality it's super gnarly. How do you actually set up for a hang up? Gregson falls short, but in fairness, every single one of us would. Andy is a sneaky one.

But the tables turn pretty fast when Chris hits Andy with his signature kickflip disaster. Pretty sure this dude has had that trick on lock since he stepped foot on a board! Andy was close...but no cigar.

The rest of the game is a classic back and forth battle. Letter after letter, these two make it clear that even though they're both talented in their own unique ways, their trick selection and approaches to the ramp are super diverse.

At the very least, it keeps us on the edge of our seats.

A blend of skill and strategy come into play here, but sometimes that's still not enough. Only one mano can prosper and in this case, it was Chris Gregson who "frontside flipped Andy to death" and took the W.

Helluva game to say the least!

Video / Woodward

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