Chloë Grace Moretz Just Threw Some Subtle Shade at Kim Kardashian's Perfume

Photo credit: Bravo
Photo credit: Bravo

From Cosmopolitan

In case you aren't aware, Kim Kardashian and Chloë Grace Moretz have a completely random and very longstanding feud that goes way back to the dawn of time. JK, actually it goes way back to when Chloë came for one of Kim's nude selfies in 2016, prompting the reality star to tweet this:

The whole internet was SCANDALIZED by the exchange, and Kim still wasn't over it two years later, when she sent Chloë a bottle of her perfume on Valentine's Day as a way to troll her. (FYI, Chloë was just one of Kim's enemies who received a bottle-everyone in the green column below did as well.)

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

Flash-forward to circa right now, and Chloë was asked about what she did with the perfume bottle on Watch What Happens Live. Her response? Some mild shade masquerading as disinterest (start watching around the 6 minute mark).

"I didn’t even get it, my publicist just took it," she said. "I didn’t even open it. I didn’t have it. No, I never saw it. I literally got a video of it from my publicist and they were like, 'They sent this, so we just kept it.' I was like, okay. Cool. Thanks?"

Well then! Okay!

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