Chilean Ski Resort Extends Season; Reports Best Conditions "In Years"

Ski Portillo, Chile, is having a spring to remember.

Since the eight-foot mega storm that slammed the resort in August, the snow has kept falling.

Now, Ski Portillo is proclaiming that conditions are "the best we've seen in years," alongside announcing a season extension until October 1st.

The extensive snowfall has permitted Ski Portillo to open runs that typically remain closed. For instance, the resort recently opened Española, an incredibly narrow double black chute that, rumor has it, hasn't opened in ten years.

Check out professional skier Connery Lundin skiing Española in a video shared with Powder below:

Ski Portillo has received 65 inches of snow, or 5.4 feet, in the past seven days. The resort's total season snowfall is 256 inches.

The continued snowfall is a remarkable turn of events for Ski Portillo. In early August, the season was shaping up to be decidedly mediocre. Then, a storm that deposited eight feet of snow blew in, transforming the resort's fortunes. And with the recent September storms, the Chilean powder train is showing no signs of stopping.

<p>Credit: Rick Sorensen</p>

Credit: Rick Sorensen

A representative from Ski Portillo reports that the storm is clearing, allowing the resort to open even more terrain, including Lake Run and Roca Jack Traverse.

The resort's access road, which often closes during storms, is "going back to normal," the representative says, meaning travel into Ski Portillo should be possible shortly.

<p>Credit: Rick Sorensen</p>

Credit: Rick Sorensen

Whew! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of all the good folks down in Ski Portillo right now. I don't know about you, but "getting sick" for a week and buying a plane ticket sounds awfully tempting.

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