Chilean Loam Looks Absolutely Dreamy

As winter sets in in the northern hemisphere, it is our turn to look across the equator with jealousy of the riding conditions. While we are stuck inside they get to galivant around on their perfect long summer days.

One Chilean bike park looks particularly dreamy at the moment. Watch Johny Salido follow fellow pro freerider Hannah Bergemann down a loamy trail at the Colico Bike Park.

In this video, Bergmann and Salido, both professionals who ride for Transition Bikes, glide down this bike park trail complete with loose loamy sections and perfectly tacky berms.

Many mountain bikers’ favorite riding surface is loam. despite what a gardening friend may tell you, loam in the mountain bike world means loose natural dirt full of partially decomposed organic matter, of a similar consistency to a mulch pile.

Like fresh snow on a powder day, there are only so many tires that can go over loam until it gets ridden down to the dirt. Hannah and Johny rode this trail in prime conditions before the good stuff got ridden off.

The surface at Colico is textbook loamy goodness in the straights and tacky hard packed in the corners: a perfect combination.

Colico Park is a new bike park, as it was only announced in late 2020, and it has a combination of natural trails and jumps. Watch local Alvaro Martinez Yanez show the 50:01 crew around when they visited this past spring.

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