This Chick-fil-A Is Receiving Praise After Banning Any Children Under The Age Of 16

Children aren't having the greatest month when it comes to dining out. Not long after a New Jersey restaurant went viral after banning children under 10 due to "crazy messes" and "noise levels," a Pennsylvania Chick-fil-A just pulled a similar move.

After a number of disturbances, a Royersford, Pennsylvania, Chick-fil-A has banned children under the age of 16 from dining in if they are not accompanied by an adult. News of the ban, which was announced on the restaurant's Facebook page, detailed the specific reasons why they've decided to take extreme measures. The Royersford Chick-fil-A cited volume, mistreatment of property, disrespect of employees, and unsafe behavior.

"As you can imagine, this is not a pleasant experience. We want to provide a comfortable and safe environment for our guests and our staff, and also to protect our building. Therefore, we cannot allow this to continue. As a result, to dine in our restaurant, anyone under the age of 16 is required to be accompanied by an adult," the Facebook post read.

The announcement was mostly met by praise from commenters, with one Facebook user writing, "100000% support this. Thank you for taking a stand. Young children who grow up without adult supervision, rules, and boundaries face challenges as adults."

The restaurant went on to applaud those 16 and under who have been on their best behavior and stressed that they aren't blaming parents. Those 16 and under who still want their Chicken Sandwich fix, can make a purchase inside the restaurant, but must leave after they receive their order.

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