Cherries Flambe Is the Flaming Camp Dessert You’ve Been Waiting For

When Dennis Lewon comes back from a trip in Wyoming’s Wind Rivers saying he’s got a brand-new recipe, you’d best pay attention. Our staff gourmand (and former Backpacker Editor-in-Chief) is famous for his creative camp meals--easy to make, yet always infused with a certain flavorful je ne sais quoi. So now we bring you a world-exclusive dessert a la Dennis: Cherries Flambe.

It’s not as hard as it sounds: This fancy-adjacent dessert comes together with just a few backpacking-friendly ingredients, including dried cherries and brandy (pack a nip, or pack a flask and enjoy some around the fire afterwards) and subs out freshly-made crepes for warmed tortillas. Have a good photographer in your group? Tell them to get their camera ready--this is one dish that they’ll want to foodstagram.

Cherries Flambe

Adjust ingredient measurements according to appetite and number of hikers.


  • Dried tart cherries

  • Brandy

  • Sugar

  • Tortillas

  • Cream cheese

In camp

Heat cherries in a pan with a little sugar and water, until most of the water is absorbed. While they’re warming up, spread cream cheese on tortillas. Add a couple of tablespoons of brandy to the cherries, heat for a few more seconds, then light the whole thing. Scoop cherries (careful, now) into tortillas with a spoon, wrap, and eat.

Originally published in 2009; last updated in December 2021