Chef Andreas Carver and his mother recreate his late grandmother’s vintage cherry winks Christmas cookies

The co-founder of The Aphrodisiac Kitchen talks about continuing traditions and shares his fondest holiday memories.

Video Transcript


- Cherry winks are a 1950s recipe. Somehow my grandmother got the recipe. I don't know where she got it from.

- I'm really excited that Joshua's going to teach me how to make cherry winks.

- So you start with your dry ingredients. Mix the things together. We're going to chop our nuts and dried dates. We're going to go ahead and beat the eggs and the shortening. And then, we will combine the two. In the original recipe, she was probably using some sort of canned sweet milk. But now we're using oat milk. We're going to take the--

- Flour.

- Yeah. And add that in. So we'll just cut these in half, because we're going to top the cookies. And we're also going to roll them in these corn flakes. So then we're going to scoop them, put them in the corn flakes, roll them around, and then put this on top. And that's it. So then, they just go into the oven for 10 to 12 minutes until they've expanded a little bit, slightly golden brown.

She passed, so four years ago. She really thought about things. She wanted everything to look good, and she saw a beauty in a lot of things, and we loved her for that.