Cheez-It Created the Cheesiest Roadside Attraction in America—Complete With Free Road Trip Snacks

This one's worth a pit stop.



I think we can all agree that no road trip is complete without road trip snacks. For me, the road trip snack bag is never without a box of Cheez-It crackers—more specifically my favorite flavor, the Sharp White Cheddar Grooves.

That’s why, when I was invited to Cheez-It’s new (and first-ever) roadside attraction in California, it awoke a child-like excitement in me. Yes, you read that correctly, Cheez-It opened a Cheez-It Stop, complete with a “gas” pump that pumps real Cheez-It crackers—all on the side of the highway in the middle of the desert in Joshua Tree, California.

The Cheez-It Stop is a pop-up inside an old 1940s service station known as The Station, which is a tourist attraction in its own right thanks to "Big Josh," the 20-foot tall service attendant who towers over the stop, poised for roadside photo ops. Think abandoned gas station meets throwback gift shop where you can stock up on boxes of Cheez-It crackers, plus some fun, exclusive Cheez-It-inspired merch.



The Cheez-It Stop is impeccably themed with Cheez-It branding and Easter eggs everywhere—I’m talking Cheez-It napkin holders, cheese-themed graffiti in the bathroom, and even little Cheez-It blooms on the cacti around the station. But let’s get back to the real attraction: the world’s first and only Cheez-It Pump.

At the station, instead of filling up on gas, you can fill up on bags of Cheez-It crackers with the Cheez-It Pump. Grab a bag and head on over to the pump where Cheez-It bags quite literally fly through the air into your waiting hands. Just be warned, they shoot out of the pump with serious speed, so be ready to catch those crackers.



Inside the station, you’ll find the Cheez-It Stop gift shop, where you can purchase mementos from your time in Joshua Tree’s newest attraction. From boxes of Cheez-It crackers to fuel your road trip to Cheez-It Stop-exclusive postcards, drinkware, and keychains, the gift shop has something for everyone.

Despite the top-secret announcement, the Stop has already drummed up a lot of attention in Joshua Tree. When I was there, dozens of locals and visitors were getting out to take pictures with the giant Cheez-It sign and asking just when they could go inside the Stop. I mean, it’s pretty hard to miss a huge, bright orange Cheez-It cracker on the side of the highway.

So, if you’re in Joshua Tree this week, it’s worth a visit to the "cheeziest" roadside attraction to see the amazing spectacle and, at the very least, enjoy some free Cheez-It crackers from the Cheez-It Pump.

The Cheez-It Stop is open for one week only, starting June 5 through June 11 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. PST daily. It is located at 61943 Twentynine Palms Highway in Joshua Tree, California.

Can’t make it to the Cheez-It Stop this week? Our fingers are crossed that Cheez-It will bring the pop-up to other cities soon, because it really is a sight to behold and a must-see on your travel bucket list.