Cheeky Great Dane Annoying His Brother with Playful Nips Is Peak Sibling Behavior

Growing up with one or more siblings can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, you always had a playmate, a peer, or someone to bug when you're bored, but having a sibling can also mean dealing with disagreements and chaos. Even the sweetest brothers and sisters can get on your nerves!

Sibling shenanigans are an everyday occurrence for one family of dogs who recently went viral on TikTok. On May 12, mom and dog owner Amy posted the silliest video of her trio of pups being extra silly. While one of the two Boxers was playing with Dad, Donut the Great Dane snuck up from behind to give him a nip on the nub! And yes, it's just as entertaining as it sounds.

LOL! Donut knew exactly what he was doing, and it looks like this wasn't the first time he gave his brother's tail a nibble, either. The way the Boxer dog was lunging back at him makes me think Donut is a repeat offender! But in his defense, nub tails like this one are too cute not to boop.

Related: Great Dane’s Annoyed Reaction to His Owner Is Cracking People Up

Regardless of his brother's tail shape, I have a feeling the Great Dane would have gone after it anyway. This act of instigation looks like an attempt to initiate play! Even if you're not a canine expert, it's fairly easy to see that Donut means no harm.

Commenters like @myamae loved "the way he only lightly nibbles it" because "you can tell they love each other." You're so right! Either Donut is giving into some intrusive thoughts, or he's trying to rile up his brother--but there's nothing worrisome or aggressive going on. It's just boys being boys, and even Dad is getting in on the fun!

Why Dogs Annoy Each Other

Understanding sibling relationships is actually a great tool for understanding the relationships between dogs who live together, too. For example, placing yourself and your sibling in these dogs' shoes may help you understand why they're interacting this way. It can be a way for dogs to begin initiating play, or it can be a spontaneous reaction like an intrusive thought. Sometimes, though, lashing out at another dog can be a sign of unmet needs outside of play.

Many video viewers were quick to notice Amy's darling laughter, but you may be surprised to learn that it may have had something to do with the way her dogs played. They may have been trying to make her laugh more by repeating what made her laugh the first time! Instead, it's important to put on a calm face and not react (to the extent that you're able), so your pet can focus on making themselves comfortable, too.

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