Check Out the Japan Scene in Nike's Tokyo Block Party

Nike SB Japan unlocks a high-bust-factor business plaza for year two of the Tokyo Block Party. Get familiar with some new faces in the Japanese scene at one hell of a perfect plaza.

This is gonna make you want to visit Japan. Tokyo truly is a city of the future, and with a scene this strong and vibrant, you might never want to leave.

With Japanese skaters dominating the contest circuit in recent years (Yuto Horigome, Momiji Nishaya) you'd be wise to keep your eye on what's going on over there. Shout out to Nike for doing just that, and giving us a glimpse into it.

Something to be said also for this style of contest: Getting a city to let skaters run it their way on the spots they want. Keep it moving all over the city and keep it feeling authentic to street skating. Red Bull just did that in NYC with its Drop In tour, and we all owe a debt of gratitude to the Copenhagen collective for showing us the blueprint.

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