Check Out The Griffith Bros' Tire Removal Service Demo

Taking the inside line and catching that sweet sweet pocket on a nice right hander is perhaps one of the finest feelings in our sport.

It really clicks when you can feel that rear tire break just enough traction to drift around the apex of the berm. The key, though, is to balance that drift so you don't completely blow up.

Take a look at these guys cranking that drift fun-o-meter to 11 in the clip below.

Felix and Oscar Griffiths, the brothers in this clip, have begun to make quite a name for themselves on the Junior Downhill World Cup and British National race scene.

The latter picked up a few finishes just outside of the top 20 in the World Cup Juniors category this season and Felix has been tearing up the British National DH series with a number of top 5 finishes.

These two have a pretty good chance of being names we will be seeing a lot more of in the years to come. In the meantime, keep it loose lads, it's a pleasure to watch you guys roach some corners.

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