Check out the first day of Simple Session with a wild skate jam in Tallinn, Estonia's Freedom Square

We're back once again in the little known corner of Northeastern Europe. You might have to Google Map where Tallinn, Estonia is, but rest assured, the Simple Session contest is worth the trek. It's a five-day skate contest with events and skate jams on spots around the city and a two-day traditional contest in the custom built skatepark inside an old rubber factory.

Day one had us all in the Old Town's Freedom Square with a wild skate jam: A Hubba and rail built onto the plaza's stairs, two big wallride quarters against the wall, and a rainbow rail gap to finish it all off. Check the clips.

Dave Duncan was on the M-I-C as the Blood Wizard and Creature teams had teamriders in town and Dane Burman went on a tear and won the MVP award. The two quarterpipes hosted a high sticker placement contest that Kevin Kowalski won. This is just a taste of the footage, we'll have a full recap video on the site next week. Stay up on Simple Session's website for live streams all weekend. Video by @jzradical. Photos by Blair Alley

Dane Burman, crooked grind

Dane Burman, bluntslide

Aaron Homoki, lipslide.

Aaron Homoki clears the gap

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