The cheapest ways to travel from London to Barcelona

The cheapest ways to travel from London to Barcelona
The cheapest ways to travel from London to Barcelona

"Barcelona combines everything that is most charming about Mediterranean cities – a relaxed pace, months of endless sunshine, unbeatable food – with the cultural and design clout of almost any city in the cold north," writes Sally Davies, our resident expert.

But what's the cheapest way to get there?

We’ve put together this comprehensive list of the different ways to travel to the city - including by air, ferry, train and coach.

The prices for each mode of transport were spot checked on the morning of January 13, for a single adult ticket, both one-way and return. These prices do not include any concessions. ‘Advance’ applies to tickets booked at least three months in advance where possible.

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Plane: Easyjet

As expected, the further in advance you book your trip, the cheaper your fare should be.

  • Cheapest next day fare: One way - £60.24, Return - £92.48

  • Cheapest next week: One way - £37.24, Return - £59.48

  • Cheapest advance fare: One way - £28.24, Return - £43

Plane: Ryanair

Easyjet's rival trumps it for price. The only flights available were for a few months in advance, however.

  • Advance: One way - £19.99 Return - £37.99

Plane: British Airways

BA offer a slightly more comfortable option, but this is reflected in the price – roughly double the two aforementioned budget airlines.

  • Next day: One way - £80 Return - £144.26

  • Next week: One way - £66 Return - £132

  • Advance: One way - £60 Return - £112

Other airlines flying from Britain to Barcelona include Monarch,, Norwegian and Vueling.

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Coach: Megabus

An alternative method to flying would be a coach trip. While the prices are more appealing than BA, the cannot compete with Ryanair or easyJet except for last-minute bookings. There's also the small matter of spending 25+ hours in a coach.

  • Next day: One way - £35 Return - £65

  • Next week: One way - £30 Return - £60

  • Advance: One way - £30 Return - £55

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Coach: Eurolines

Eurolines' prices are not as competitive.

  • Next day: One way - £73.50 Return - £147

  • Next week: One way - £73.50 Return - £147

  • Advance: One way - £73.50 Return - £147

Car (via Eurotunnel) will estimate your fuel, road tax and toll charges for any journey. It is worth taking into consideration that this total can be split by the number of people travelling in the car, potentially making it much cheaper.

  • £196.62, 1486 km, 15.5 hours

Eurotunnel prices start from £23 - but this is for short two-day journeys. Longer trips (which you'll be wanting if you plan to drive to Barcelona, cost from £43 each way.

  • Next day: One way - £23 Return - £46

  • Next week: One way - £23 Return - £46

  • Advance: One way - £58 Return - £128

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Brittany Ferries offer a service from Portsmouth to Bilbao, but then there's the trip to and from Portsmouth to consider, and the journey from Bilbao to Barcelona (and back). Options include car hire in Bilbao, taxis, a European rail service into Barcelona or taking your own car. The prices below are for travel with a car - if travelling by foot the company advises that you call to book.

  • Next day: One way - £249 Return - £498

  • Next week: One way - £209 Return - £418

  • Advanced: One way - £149 Return - £328

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Lovers of rail travel could take the train all the way from Britain to Barcelona by taking the Eurostar to Paris, dashing over to the Gare de Lyon, and boarding a TGV Duplex to the Catalan capital (around nine hours total travel time) - book through Voyages SNCF.

  • Next day: One way - £149; Return £270.50

  • Next week: One £151.50; Return £268

  • Advanced: One way - £73.50; Return £162

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