Chaos Ensues In Cross Country Event As Competitors Wipe Out Near Finish Line In Front Of Cheering Crowd

At mile 30 of an endurance mountain bike race, riders are not at their best when it comes to bike Handling.

The Iceman Cometh, a popular cross-country race in Northern Michigan featured carnage in the finish corral. Watch multiple racers slide out on a tough turn below.

This video shows the exact moment Tyler Orschel slid out allowing the eventual winner Alexey Vermeulen to take the lead. See a slightly better angle of the carnage here.

The Iceman Cometh is a 30-mile point-to-point race. This means that, unlike other events where riders do multiple laps of a course, competitors race from the start to a completely different finish.

One consequence of this is that riders did not get practice at the end of the course on early laps free of pressure to sprint to the finish. Instead, these riders charged off the trail and onto the pavement that was a little slicker than they anticipated.

This year, Alexey Vermeulen and Deanna Mayles won the race. Vermeulen was the fastest on the course finishing with a blazing average speed of 18.09 miles per hour. He was the victor in this bunch sprint. See another highlight of the race below.

American Pro Kerry Werner recorded the final 2 kilometers of the race, including the slippery corner that he also fell victim to. Watch his POV below.

Every year over 5,000 riders come out to the race. Iceman attracts riders from all around the country. See full results here.

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