Chair Falls From Lift At Michigan Ski Resort

A chair detached from its lift cable and fell to the ground at Bittersweet Ski Resort, Michigan, late last week.

The malfunction was documented by Reddit user u/EatingA****Salad in a post shared to r/skiing.

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According to News Channel 3, the lift disconnection was caused by a strong gust of wind this past Saturday.

No one was riding the chairlift that fell, nor was anyone struck while it fell to the ground.

In a conversation with News Channel 3, Bittersweet General Manager Nick Ross said the malfunction was a "freak accident."

After the malfunction, Bittersweet evacuated the remaining skiers off the chair. The lift, which wasn't named in News Channel 3's coverage, is set to undergo repairs.

POWDER has reached out to Bittersweet for comment. This article will be updated if additional information is made available.

Bittersweet opened for skiing and riding this season on November 29th, 2023, and recently benefitted from the storm cycles that passed through North America in early January. The resort has received 10 inches of new snow in the past week.

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