Chadwick Boseman Posthumously Wins Best Actor at the 2021 Golden Globes

Chadwick Boseman Posthumously Wins Best Actor at the 2021 Golden Globes
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From Cosmopolitan

Hollywood is still devastated by the loss of Chadwick Boseman. Though Chadwick may be gone, it doesn't mean he has been forgotten—six months after his death, Chadwick was nominated for his first-ever Golden Globe in the Best Actor, Film category for playing the role of Levee Green in Ma Rainey's Black Bottom. Today, Chadwick gets to posthumously collect the award.

Chadwick won the trophy for Best Actor and his wife Taylor Simone Ledward accepted on his behalf, giving an emotional speech.

After Chadwick received an Actor Tribute at the Gotham Independent Film Awards earlier this year, Taylor also accepted and gave a stunning speech on his behalf and said:

"He is the most honest person I've ever met because he didn't just stop at speaking the truth, he actively searched for it in himself, in those around him and in the moment. The truth can be a very easy thing for the self to avoid, but if one does not live in truth, then it's impossible to live in line with a divine purpose.

He harnessed the power of letting go and letting God's love shine through. He realized that when one is able to recognize that when their strength does not come from themself, they rarely mess up. That's what he was doing when he was acting — not merely telling a story or reading lines on a page, but modeling for us a path to true fulfillment.

It is my honor to receive this award on behalf of my husband, an acknowledgement not only of his profound work, but of his impact on this industry and this world."

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