Ceramides Make Your Skin Stronger and More Reslient. Here Are 9 Ways to Use Them.

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More and more, the skincare industry is rightfully casting a spotlight on skin’s “barrier function”. Anything that is applied to skin must not damage its ability to act as a barrier to block out the toxins and pollutants of the outside world, while also trapping much-needed moisture from deeper layers of skin. And from there, the usual perks of a regimen fall into place: A reinforced skin barrier yields softer, firmer and more resilient skin. Often at the core of this fortification is a ceramide-packed regimen.

What Are Ceramides, And How Do They Help Skin?

Ceramides are lipids that play an important role in cell membrane integrity, as well as cellular stress response, says Usha Rajagopal, M.D., plastic surgeon and medical director of San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center. (She’s known as Dr. Usha.) “In essence, ceramides serve as crucial components in the structure of the skin’s barrier,” Rajagopal says. “Their primary purpose is to support and maintain skin hydration, preventing moisture loss and promoting a healthy, resilient, and well-protected skin barrier.”

Ceramides are also naturally occurring in the skin (the outermost layer, the stratum corneum). But they can become compromised by aggressive products, arid or cold weather and toxin-dense environments, plus they also become depleted as we age, Rajagopal says. “So, skincare products that contain ceramides aim to supplement or replenish these essential lipids.

While ceramides are universally useful in a skincare regimen, Rajagopal says that the people who most benefit from a ceramide-packed routine are those with age-compromised skin, anyone in a cold or dry environment, anybody whose skin is often exposed to hot water, as well as people with certain inflammatory skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

How to Incorporate Ceramides Into Your Skincare Regimen

Rajagopal advises her patients to apply any ceramide-packed products quickly after showering or washing the face. “This will help lock in hydration,” she says. Her foremost recommendation is a ceramide serum or targeted treatment. “These products often have a higher concentration of ceramides and can be applied before your moisturizer,” she explains. She also suggests using a ceramide-rich cleanser, so that your skin barrier gets an added boost during an otherwise moisture-stripping step.

But ceramides can be found pretty much everywhere these days, due to their universal good (and increasingly universal necessity). “For daytime skincare, consider using a sunscreen that includes ceramides, which adds an extra layer of defense,” she says.

SPF isn’t the only ingredient that plays nicely with ceramides. “Ceramides work well with other hydrating and skin-replenishing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin and fatty acids, so look for products that combine these elements for a comprehensive skincare routine,” Dr. Usha adds. But don’t pin all your anti-aging hopes on this one ingredient, says the doc: “Be mindful of the overall health of your skin by maintaining a balanced lifestyle, staying hydrated, and protecting your skin from sun damage,” Rajagopal says.

The Best Skincare Products with Ceramides


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