CEO Jaclyn Johnson Starts Her Morning With A Peach-Cardamom Smoothie That Sounds AH-MAZING

Photo credit: Jessica Bordner
Photo credit: Jessica Bordner

From Women's Health

For Jaclyn Johnson, every minute is an opportunity to make life a bit bigger and better, starting from the very first ray of sunlight. The Los Angeles-area CEO and founder of Create & Cultivate, a platform and conference series for millennial women and entrepreneurs, and author of WorkParty spills the routine that powers her career of making careers. (Take note!)

6:00 a.m.: I get a happy wake-up call from my dog, Noah, so I don't need an alarm.

"He starts with a growl, then progresses to a bark, always at six. My husband and I take him for a walk or go for a hike in Griffith Park. The fresh air and sunrise give me instant go-getter vibes."

6:15 a.m.: I squeeze in a quick sweat.

"If I don't have time for a hike, I'll hop on my Peloton bike. I love studio workouts, but commuting is such a time-suck, and by evenings, I'm exhausted."

6:45 a.m.: My husband and I prioritize some together time.

"After I exercise, we make breakfast, usually a peach-cardamom smoothie, or eggs if we're not rushing. I work long hours, so this little sliver is our chance to connect each day. We listen to NPR and drink coffee-I add cinnamon for an antioxidant boost."

Jaclyn Johnson's Peach-Cardamom Smoothie Recipe

  • 1 cup almond milk

  • 1/2 cup coconut water

  • 4-5 frozen mango chunks

  • 4-5 frozen peach slices

  • Pinch of cardamom

  • Scoop of plant-based vanilla Vital Proteins powder

  • Tablespoon coconut flakes

  • Teaspoon of flax seeds

7:00 a.m.: Time to get ready for the day!

"Once I've showered, I rub oil basically all over myself! I'm a huge fan of Biossance rose oil; it makes my skin so soft. I also run a little Bumble and Bumble 'invisible oil' through my hair to help tame it. Then I take a few droplets of liquid vitamin D before I brush my teeth. I forget to take vitamins, but these taste like mint, so they fit into my regimen."

8:00 a.m.: I like to get to work early to gather my thoughts.

"When I'm there early, I can settle in before people arrive. I light a candle and Zen out. I have my me-time, then I can conquer my day."

This article originally appeared in the March 2019 issue of Women’s Health. For more intel on how to live a happier, healthier life, pick up an issue on newsstands now.

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