CDFW answers submitted questions

California Department of Fish and Wildlife regularly answers questions submitted by the public. The following are recent questions CDFW answered concerning delta smelt and CDFW youth programs.

Fishing Tournaments

Q: A friend was telling me about fishing tournaments in California. How can I get involved?

A: Hundreds of fishing tournaments and contests are scheduled in California for the rest of 2024. You can search the type of contest, location, date and sponsor name at fishing contests. Please make sure to be in touch with the sponsor organization to register, since CDFW does not host these events.

Most of the contests target black bass, but some involve other species such as trout, kokanee and striped bass. Contests take place all year, but most occur in the spring, summer and fall. Diamond Valley Lake in Riverside County, Clear Lake in Lake County and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta are among the most popular locations for anglers to compete against each other. Fishing is mostly from motorized boats, but there is a growing popularity for the shore-based and kayak contests.

“Many people enjoy fishing for the chance to be alone in nature. It’s their time away from the busy parts of our lives,” said Senior Environmental Scientist Supervisor Flower Moye. “Fishing contests can give people that same feeling, but also provide a space for camaraderie and healthy competition. They offer folks another way to enjoy the sport. In fact, some people get into fishing because of the tournament scene.”

Since 1975, CDFW has required tournament organizers to have permits for their events. The regulation enables the department to ensure responsible use of resources. CDFW does not make money from the contests. Usual fishing regulations apply meaning winners are determined not by the number of fish caught, but by the weight or length.

A full explanation of CDFW contests, tournaments and derbies is available at Fishing Contests, Tournaments and Derbies.

Raccoon Visits

Q: With so much discussion about human-wildlife conflicts, can something be done about nuisance raccoons in my neighborhood?

A: Raccoons are found throughout most of the state, with the exception of alpine and desert regions, and are lured by the same attractants that bring other wildlife to communities - pet food and trash. Their diverse diet also includes fruit, nuts, birds, eggs and small mammals.

But raccoons also present a potential health issue for humans because of their droppings. Raccoons are known to carry a number of internal parasites, including Baylisascaris procynois, a roundworm found in raccoons. Infection spread can happen to both humans and pets when contact is made with raccoon feces.

Raccoons often leave their droppings in the same spot, often called raccoon latrines. Cleaning a latrine should be done carefully, while wearing disposable rubber gloves and rubber boots. Gently shovel or scoop the droppings into a heavy-duty garbage bag, then clean and disinfect the clothing and tools thoroughly.

As with other wildlife, humans can play a big role in preventing conflict. Remove access to any sources of food, including garbage and pet food. Clear brush, cover sandboxes, remove any fruit on the ground from fruit trees, and cut back branches that hang over a roof. Also, be sure your pets are properly vaccinated to mitigate this threat.

Extensive information on the behavior of raccoons and the risk they prevent is at Human-Wildlife Conflicts: Raccoons.