CBD Brand Sunday Scaries Launches Vegan Tincture and Gummies

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've heard of CBD, short for cannabidiol. It's one of the compounds that can be extracted from the cannabis sativa plant, and though it's becoming a household name, it's still lesser-known than it's sister compound, THC. Unlike THC, however, CBD doesn't get you high, which is why it's become a popular (and legal) inclusion in plenty of beauty and wellness products. Sunday Scaries, a playful CBD brand founded by Mike Sill and Beau Schmitt, is one of these brands. The brand has been around since July of 2017 and is now expanding from one product to four, all in the span of one week.

Though the name Sunday Scaries calls to mind a problem, Sill and Schmitt have set out to solve that problem — and the larger problem of anxiety, as well. According to Sill, the brand is all about normalizing mental health issues and getting rid of the stigma behind them, hence the accessible, Instagram-friendly packaging. Additionally, they wanted to create a CBD product that's easy-to-dose, which is why they chose a gummy form as the brand's flagship product.

The Sunday Scaries Gummies for Anxiety ($40) include 10 mg of CBD in each gummy bear, and while the label references anxiety as the intended target, the wonder-compound also has anti-inflammatory properties that have been found to ease the pain of a number of ailments.

That's why the brand has been diligently working to expand its line, and it's doing so with a big bang this week. It's releasing a vegan version of the gummies — called Vegan AF ($45) — that I've tried myself, and the flavor is in between a regular gummy bear and a Sour Patch Kid. They're really good.

Also new this week is a vegan CBD Tincture ($75) that has 500 mg of CBD per bottle. This concentration of CBD is higher than most other brands I've seen, and the price is comparable, especially considering you only need to take a third of a dropper. The flavor is mild and reminiscent of a gummy bear — not medicinal like many other CBD tinctures I've tried. Lastly, Sunday Scaries is also launching FOMO Bones, CBD-infused dog treats for our furry friends with anxiety. These are currently available for pre-sale — though they'll normally be $40, they're on special right now for $28.

The brand also has bundles available that allow you to stock up and save, so if you find out you like what they offer, it's definitely a good option. Check out the entire Sunday Scaries line (for humans) here and the FOMO Bones here.

Read more about CBD:

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