Cattle Dog Who's Scared Of Cows Is Winning Everyone's Hearts

There's nothing worse than hating your day job. You dread going to work, you feel like your life has little purpose career-wise and it's just not a fun way to live. This is why we have so much sympathy for adorable Winnie seen below.

TikTok user @Winniethecattledog has one job to do and nope, she ain't doing it. Listen, we can hardly blame her because what she is supposed to do is something she's afraid of and welp, we must protect her at all costs! Watch the following video to see what we mean!

TikTok users absolutely adore Winnie with @Chick posting, "My red cattle dog was sooo scared of cows too, she was like no thanks I’ll be a cuddly inside dog instead." @Sammi replies, "It’s called work anxiety, don’t worry bud, we all get it."

@Bray hilariously comments, "Bro lied on his resume." @Andrea adds, "When you apply but didn't think you'd actually get the job." @Kara types, "She’s like “excuse me you want me to do what now?" LOL!

Okay so since being a Cattle Dog is out of the question, may we suggest other jobs for Winnie? How about cuddle bunny? Professional TV watching assistant? @Faganash's dog is all ready FIRED from that position because they type, "This made me laugh so hard. My golden is afraid of the opening credits of Yellowstone." Sorry! We cannot hire you for professional TV watching assistant if you hate Yellowstone!

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