Cat's Unfazed Reaction to Toddler Trying to Play Is So On-Point

This cat truly doesn't have a care in the world.

One of the first things kids start to learn is all the different kinds of animals there are and what those animals sound like. Moo for cows, bark for dogs and meow for cats. And if the child grows up with a pet, they'll start seeing the characteristics of each animal. Although, it may take some time to learn the difference.

That's what happened with TikTok user @mel_the_pyxi's child. Her toddler is still learning the difference between the cat and dog's playing styles. She confused the two in this recent clip as she tries calling the cat up to play as if he was a dog. And the cat's reaction is priceless!

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Aww! This is so hilariously adorable. She was trying with all her might to call the cat up to play. We absolutely lost it at the cat's reaction. He was completely unfazed.

"I love how the cat is just like, 'Are you going to tell her or am I?'" wrote @antichristmouse. For real though! The cat looked at the TikToker as if she should've told the toddler about the cat beforehand. LOL! @susbish added, "Cat, completely unconcerned: 'She'll learn.'" She'll learn very quickly that cats are unbothered queens of the house!

@razzelfrazzel commented what the toddler was probably thinking. It reads, 'Mom, this dog's broken.'" Aww! Someone needs to tell her that the cat not responding doesn't have anything to do with her. Cats don't listen to anyone! LOL!

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