Cats Are in Total Cahoots with the Dog to Score Her Some Extra Treats

Whether you have a dog, a cat, or even a pet bird at home, it's impossible to deny just how entertaining animals can be. Even the smallest things, like the way they stretch or say hello, can put a smile on your face faster than anything else. I would know--my dog always keeps me on my toes!

That being said, I can only imagine how entertained this pet mom was when she finally discovered why her dog kept munching on treat after treat. It turns out--she was working with the cats! Rescue dog Belle has thousands of TikTok followers wrapped around her paw, but everyone's a bit surprised to see that she has them enchanted, too. Check out their adorable February 22 antics.

LOL! The way this dog mom realized that something was up was just so relatable. All dog owners are familiar with that calm before the storm, and that undeniable feeling of 'oh no' when you realize your dog is eating something you didn't give them.

Related: Woman Perfectly Demonstrates How to Tell a Cat Has Been ‘Raised’ by a Dog

My Cockapoo dog is the king of stealing food, and he's invented dozens of new ways to get away with it. But he's the only pet in the house, so he's never been able to team up with other furry friends like Belle, the rescue dog, did. Fortunately, her feline siblings were more than happy to help!

The beautiful calico cat who broke into the box of treats was named Templeton, just like the helpful rat in Charlotte's Web. It's the perfect name! The mischievous cat was able to satisfy any naughty instincts while simultaneously helping Belle get more dog treats. It sounds like a win-win, right?

Cats and Dogs Can Get Along

Whoever said cats and dogs don't get along has clearly never met this trio! Belle has a personality that's even bigger than she is, and her kitty siblings find the purr-fect opportunities to vibe with her. But this interesting transaction does have people wondering what's in it for the cats!

Even though many cats and dogs tolerate and even enjoy one another's company, the stereotype that cats and dogs are enemies still persists. The reality can be different on a case-by-case basis, and most dogs can be desensitized enough that they get along with cats just fine. Clearly, Belle is one of these sweet dogs, but there are also some pups out there who have an insanely high prey drive. Every dog and cat is different, of course, but the probability of a canine/feline friendship is higher than you think!

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