Cat's Collection of Things He Can Balance on His Head Is Pretty Impressive

Just an orange cat doing orange cat things.

Orange cat owners are a whole different breed of pet owner. We feel like our orange cats are more affectionate, and we have science to back this up because numerous studies have been conducted on why, exactly, our orange felines are such a friendly bunch. Orange cats also seem to enjoy food a bit more than other breeds, which is why a lot of orange cats are so chonky. We're looking at you, Garfield.

Another personality trait that a lot of orange cat owners notice is that these cats are just incredibly chill, and just not as skittish as other cats. Which is probably why Magnus who belongs to TikTok user @Magnus_the_orange doesn't mind having a cactus on his head. Just watch the following video to see what we mean .

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Magnus is just a typical orange cat doing orange cat things. @Skeglarsaurus hilarious posts, "This cat identifies as a table." @Jen adds, "Love this!! This gives me ideas.." @Phrankie54 says what all of us orange cat owners know, "Orange kitties are the best."

Do you have an orange cat and is he absolutely the best? Of course he is! Tell us all about him in the comments!

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