Cats' Amusement Over Their Pet 'Robotic' Fish Is Impossible to Resist

This may be better than Cat TV.

Any cat parent knows how annoying their cat's toys can be. We spend all this money buying the catnip banana or the tiny little faux fur mice or the crinkle balls only to have them lodged behind the sofa or trapped under the refrigerator so our cats can sit in front of the refrigerator crying all day until we finagle a metal clothes hanger into a cat-toy-get-'em tool. Or else us cat parents are getting sore-arm disease from pointing the cat laser at the ceiling and walls for hours on end.

That's why we love what TikTok user @Bre_an-muffin did to amuse their feline friends, with a little help from a fish. A robotic fish, that is. Just watch the following to see what we mean.

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These cats are captivated! This may even be better then searching YouTube for Cat TV videos! And we love how no actual live fish were harmed for the cat's amusement. @Bamboozledgrapes still feels bad for the fish, and comments, "Hey now, robo fish have emotion software too!" LULZ. @Jadefoster adds, "Even though it's a robo fish - I feel like it needs a bigger environment- more for cat to bowl ratio - it's off." @Pip replies, "My cat would eat it. Batteries and all. He’s a menace."

Now, if only they would develop a robotic fish capable of amusing cats and changing their litter box, our lives would be complete.

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