Cate Blanchett Heads Cannes Film Festival Jury

Photo credit: Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved
Photo credit: Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved


Cate Blanchett has been named the head of the 2018 Cannes Film Festival jury, becoming the 12th woman to take the role.

“We’re very pleased to welcome a rare and unique artist with talent and conviction,” Cannes president Pierre Lescure and delegate general Thierry Fremaux said in a joint statement, published via the Guardian.

“Our conversations this autumn convince us she will be a committed president, and a passionate and generous spectator.”

The Oscar-winning actress was one of the 300 women who launched the Time's Up initiative this week, which vows to end sexual harassment in the workplace. She has also been vocal in speaking out against Harvey Weinstein in light of the sexual assault allegations made against him.

“Any male who’s in a position of authority or power, you know, whether he be a film producer or the president of the United States who thinks it’s his prerogative to sexually intimidate or abuse women that they come into contact with, whether in the workplace or otherwise, they need to be held to account,” Blanchett said.

"It is never easy for a woman to come forward in such situations and I wholeheartedly support those who have."

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