Catch the Holiday Spirit With This Post-Pandemic Twist on a Christmas Classic

Santa with Face Mask ornament
Santa with Face Mask ornament

Biscuit Home

In unprecedented times, even Christmas decor gets an unlikely makeover. This Old Saint Nick ornament wearing a mask is officially a sign of the times, marking a moment in history that lives on through commemorative decor that will hang on our trees for years to come.

The Washington state-based purveyor of blown-glass ornaments, Old World Christmas, offers a selection of cheery and cheeky decor. Some pandemic-related ornaments included a glittery roll of toilet paper, a sparkling bottle of hand sanitizer, and a mask-wearing Santa Claus.

As a positive role model, this pint-sized Saint Nick wears his blue surgical mask correctly, covering his rosy cheeks, cherry nose, and "droll little mouth" to avoid spreading anything but holiday cheer. And lest you be concerned about a yuletide identity crisis, there is no mistaking that it's the jolly old elf behind the face covering, thanks to his twinkling eyes, glittering red cap, and fluffy white beard.

The unique Santa with Face Mask ornament commemorates the weirdest, wildest time in recent years. Just think of the stories you'll have to tell your grandchildren when they ask about the mask-wearing Santa Claus on your tree.

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