Cat’s Sweet Ways of Waking up Her Mom Goes Viral

It's no secret that if your pets wake up before you do, they're going to come find you and wake you up, too. @marleymarlin is a cat, and her mom decided to record all the different ways that Marley wakes her up. She shared this video on Instagram in mid-October, and it will totally make your day!

Marley's mom shared the top most viewed wakeups that she's recorded. The most popular was viewed more than 93 million times, and it goes on to show other videos, with the last being viewed more than 12 million times (which is still a huge number of views)! One thing's for sure...Marley is very vocal so make sure your sound is on!

All of @Marley's sweet wakeups are cute, but the first one of her kissing and nipping at her mom was my favorite. And the last one that shows the fiesty cat ripping out her mom's hair...ouch!

Commenters had a lot to say about the video. @hatianbeauty25 laughed, "At one point Marley got tired of meowing and she chose violence!" @havennan2019 admitted, "I can’t decide between the eyeball licking & the hair chewing LOL!" @uhhleenah made me laugh with, "The way Marley looks into the camera like he’s on an episode of The Office". @jennyb151 said, "I love the first one when he looks at the camera like “Did you guys see that”?!" and @_vey_ added, "Marley's Hair Salon is my fav!"

It seems like mom losing a chunk of hair was the big winner, which is surprising because many of the others had so many more views. Which was your fave?

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