Cat Surrendered for Being 'Too Aggressive' Gives Rescuers a Welcome Surprise

Aggressively adorable maybe.

Shelters usually rate cats to determine what their adoption potential is. This can include if a cat has been exposed to other cats, dogs, small kids or if this cat has lived in a domestic situation or was homeless before intake. This helps potential adopters decide if a cat is right for their family, and what sort of home a cat will do best in.

But sometimes a shelter can get it wrong, and a cat marked as aggressive may just need a beat or two before it stops exhibiting fear. Like this cat posted by @Theceoofcats. Watch this clip and you decide if this derpy baby is aggressive or nah.

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This is in no way the shelter's fault. They see thousands of animals a year and determining behavior can be incredibly tricky, because it's based on so many factors including medical issues. They just try their best to do their best by each animal.

@Meg8418 comments, "We adopted a cat from the humane society and her reason for surrender was she was “too much like a cat.” Please forgive us because our eyes rolled so far back in our heads we can no longer see straight. @Uniquelycandles replies, "Aggressive with affection and adorable derpyness." @Labscientist adds, "Watch out! That is a serious blep and there is no predicting what it will do." Harpy adds something that is true a lot of the time with "I have discovered that if a cat is aggressive with a human, it’s usually the human’s fault." .

It's important to note that not all cats are suited for adoption, and if the cat's aggression is severe there are steps you can take to help alleviate aggressive behavior.The first step in dealing with an aggressive cat is to determine why the cat is behaving aggressively. Is it fear, territorial behavior, or a medical issue? You may need to consult with a veterinarian or an animal behaviorist to determine the cause.

A shelter can mark a cat as aggressive, but this behavior may suddenly change once it's in a stable home and starts to feel comfortable in its surroundings. The best steps you can take are patience, providing a calm environment, and rewarding  wanted behaviors with gentle pets and treats. Sometimes these cats turn out to be the most loving, sweetest pets ever.

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