Cat 'Remodels' Chair To Make a Hiding Spot in Funny Video

There are many truisms in cat ownership. If you leave a glass of water on your beside table, they will knock it over. If you are working on your laptop, they will attempt to lie across it. And if you buy them a fancy cat bed or cat tree, they will instead destroy a piece of furniture to make a hidey-hole in it.

Don't take my word for it, just check out the cat that belongs to TikTok user @Zucathecat. This furry feline and budding interior decorator knows all the rules about being a cat.

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So disclaimer here, if you were to visit my house you would see I have an absolutely gorgeous leather Chesterfield sofa. Yes, it was expensive, but listen, this was supposed to be the LAST sofa I ever purchased (I'm old ya know) and was supposed to last the rest of my life and maybe one day, when it was all worn and faded and got that lovely patina leather sofas get with age, to be passed down to one of my (lucky) children.

That is, until one of our (jerk) cats decided to burrow underneath it and and then crawl into it so it could make a hidey-hole under the bottom of the sofa where it could sleep all day. You can't notice it, unless you are a cat and are under my sofa. But still! Fixing the lining did nothing to help, the (jerk) cat just ripped it again.

TikTok users feel the pain of this and one person comments, "After raising cats, I only buy second-hand sofas." Now you tell me! @Tik adds, "My cat made a hole under my sofa and often sleeps inside it." Heard. @Fyffe replies, "Yep. I have a couch like that, too." Taking the cat's side is @Tommy responds, "Talented. Makes own furniture. Please appreciate the genius."

This is just universal cat business. But please remember, if I invite you over, don't look under my sofa. My cat's sleeping in there.

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