Cat Who Plays the Piano Like a Human Is a Regular Mozart

There's a saying that goes, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks," which is often applied to people and their habits. However, you may be able to teach an old cat new tricks.

Content creator Rebecca's child prodigy, her cat Goose, might have been a pianist in his previous life. Just wait until you get a load of how he sits and plays the piano just like a little human. This is one highly talented kitty!

Get this man a record deal! He just might have a future in the music business.

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There is no doubt that cats are smart. And regardless of whether Goose is a natural or if this behavior was learned, it's quite entertaining.

How To Teach Cats Tricks

According to Petfinder, with a little patience and lots of treats, cats can learn commands or tricks.

However, while dogs often react instinctively, cats are different, but positive reinforcement is always encouraged.

When training a cat to learn something new, you'd better bring out the big guns! A treat such as canned tuna or commercial cat treats will do the job, but leave the dry cat kibble in the bag.

As with everything new, a routine is important. However, you want to start small and not overwhelm your cat, as stress can result in behavioral changes.

An easy trick is teaching them to give a paw or learning to respond to their name. You can start by calling your cat's name, and whenever they slightly respond, you give them a treat. Eventually, you can move on to teaching your cat to give their paw.

Practicing a few times in a row per day should be just enough for your cat to learn something new without getting overwhelmed.

A clicker could be another tool to use to eventually wean off the treats, and once one command is down, you can introduce a new one.

Another thing to consider is that every cat is different. It may take longer with some cats, while it takes less time with others.

Granted, the odds of your kitty becoming a regular Mozart like this one are few and far between. But hey, stranger things have happened, right?

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