Cat Parents Have Perfect Solution to Keep Their Cat Away From Christmas Tree

We are going to have to try this!

Cat owners have come up with some pretty ingenious ways to protect their Christmas trees this holiday season, and every cat mom or dad knows the reason we can't have nice things like holiday decor is because our cats like to ruin everything. In the most adorable, precious ways possible, of course. We love our cats. We just wished they loved taking down the Christmas decorations a little less. 

That's why we love this idea posted by TikTok account holder @Soupthecat.At this point, we are willing to try almost anything to keep our cats away from the Christmas tree. 

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Now this is a pretty good idea! Jenna, who came up with this idea and posted the video, added this, "Update: it has worked so far!! She loves it but definitely recommend monitoring their play if possible." Okay then! @Hyperfaehollow comments, "This may be the best or worst idea ever." LOL! Seems to be working though! @Mi_asmith hilariously says, "Someday we're gonna build cats their own houses and only visit for food and pets when the alarm goes off!" Probably, LOL.

@Jenniferpoppissil13 has an excellent suggestion with, "Get some toy mice and other cat toys as the ornaments to hang!" That's it, we are off to the pet supply store to get some ornaments! And probably some catnip to further entice these little beasts!

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