Cat Owner's Idea to Encourage Weight Loss and More Activity Is Brilliant

You think you’re doing all the right things - cutting back on your pet’s food intake and playing with them more - but their weight doesn’t seem to slim down. The reasons why a cat might be overweight include lack of stimulation, inappropriate diet, or medical issues. So what can one do to help encourage weight loss?

This isn’t scientifically proven, but TikTok user @chai_n_leona‘s idea might just work. This cat owner decided to get a cat feeder that requires a few extra steps from the cat and honestly, we think it’s brilliant. Take a look!

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O.M.G. Stop it! We’ve seen dogs use similar feeding tools before so why not try it with a cat? It’s truly a great way to encourage more activity, which will then lead to weight loss.

“I love how she just walks to the button and then runs back to the food,” commented @bawarren09. Right?! To be fair, we’d do the same and only run to the food. LOL! Another TikToker, @megameepers, suggested, “If you have stairs in your house, a vet has recommended to a friend to put food on one level and littler boxes on the other so they have to do stairs every day.” We LOVE that idea!

But not everyone has stairs and they might not want to invest in a special feeder for their cat to help them lose weight like this TikToker did. Luckily, there are other ways to encourage cat weight loss include stop free-feeding them, no dry food, considering using supplements, and increasing playtime. When it comes to their diets, always consult your vet before changing anything. And be patient, it won’t happen overnight.

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