Cat Owners Experience 5 Benefits That Their Anti-Feline Friends Don't

There's a common misconception that cats are aloof and less affectionate than dogs. While it's true that cats can be mysterious creatures with personalities that vary greatly, they can also actually be tremendously affectionate and even heal us in surprising ways. Yep, kitties aren’t just adorable, they may actually improve our health and states of mind. Here are five sweet and scientifically-proven benefits of cat ownership.

1. Lowered Stress

Ever noticed how your mood instantly improves if you give your cat a pet while you're having a bad day? Having a cat can stimulate production of the love and bonding hormone oxytocin, making you feel calmer, less lonely, and less stressed. A study of 3,331 cats and their owners also found that cats mirrored their owner’s wellbeing and behavior, and vice versa, which means cats can perceive our moods.

2. Quicker Healing

Your kitty’s purrs range between 25 and 140 Hertz, the wavelength frequency also shown to aid the repair of bones, joints, and tendons, and the healing of wounds. Researchers point out that cats recover more quickly from these injuries than dogs do and purrs may be at the root.

3. Shorter Headaches

The naturally comforting qualities of a cat may just help to ease painful headaches. Anecdotally, some people report that their migraines clear more rapidly when lying or cuddling with their furry friend.

4. Better Sleep

Around half of those who own pets sleep with them between the sheets, with good reason. Researchers suggests that having your cat in bed may reduce anxiety and help improve your sleep.

5. A Boost in Mood and Outlook

The phenomenon of watching cat videos on the internet boosts viewers’ energy and positive emotions and decreases negative feelings, according to an Indiana University study of nearly 7,000 people. Next time you're feeling bad, try putting on a cat video and you might just experience these results for yourself.

A version of this article appeared in our partner magazine, Inside Your Cat's Mind, in 2022.