Cat Mom's Depiction of Ginger Cats' Two Moods Is Accurate and Hilarious

Just like people, pets tend to have personalities as unique and individual as they are. Some animals will try to copy everything their favorite person does, while others may act out when they've reached their social limit. And some pets are always getting into trouble!

Still, even critters with the most distinct personalities can follow stereotypes. Male cats, for example, are often portrayed as affectionate and friendly, while female cats are seen as sassy and aloof. Is this true, though? Sometimes!

Cat mom Ash found that her two orange cats, appropriately named Macaroni and Cheese, follow orange cat stereotypes with their opposite personalities. In her experience, this color of cat tends to be either sweet...or spicy.

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LMAO! Even though we saw that second clip coming, it was still a bit of a jump scare to see a cat bite so quickly. That's how fast moods can change, we suppose!

"They're like Sour Patch Kids," noticed commenter @chefmase85. "First they're sour, then they're sweet." Though sometimes it's the other way around! A kitty can also fool you by acting sweet and then biting you out of nowhere--just like in this video.

Still, @macaroniandcheesethecats can be double-trouble for Ash! When one cat is feeling sweet, the other could choose to be spicy, and there's never a way to know what mood you're going to get. That's just the reality of having more than one cat!

Even a single ginger cat can act unpredictably at times, though. Another commenter, @kaitlynn._.deanne01 shared that, "My orange cat always wants attention when I’m doing something, and when I tell him 'in a minute,' he attacks me." Oh no! It's hard being told no, we suppose, but a whole mood swing seems so unnecessary! We guess that's just the reality of having cats in the home... especially orange cats!

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