Cat Mom Shares Trick She Used to Train Her Kitty to Be Cuddly

Such a simple trick can make a big difference.

Although some cats enjoy cuddles as much as their canine counterparts, others would rather have nothing to do with affection. It is how it is! Even so, there are felines like @paquito_thecat who can be trained to cuddle.

It's true! Paquito's owner was able to desensitize him to affection, so now this tabby cat doesn't mind a snuggle!

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Isn't that fascinating? We knew it was possible to help animals get used to uncomfortable things, but we didn't know it could be this easy! Just like @eternalrecurrence said, this little trick might just be "the ultimate manipulation." But hey--it works!

Cat owner @wtf_isthis did something similar with her fur baby. She wrote, "I always picked my cat up when I walked in the door and held him for a bit and now almost 5 years later he cries when I don’t do it." LOL! That's super cute how he learned to love the affection, but it's hilarious how now he's the one training you!

"I gave my kitty pets whenever she came to lay on my tummy," explained another viewer, @yza.mar. "Something got lost in translation and now she steps on me and screams for pets, not cuddles." OMG, that's even wilder! We can't help but wonder what your cat thinks when all of that is going on. Paquito's owner must be so happy that hasn't happened to her!

@Juiceylucey99 wrote, "the way I did that and [my cat] runs away from me." Oh no! As helpful as this little hack can be, some cats just won't respond to that kind of affection. It's always worth a try, but it's not something you can force!

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