Cat Mimicking Popular Emojis Is Just Perfection

This hilarious cat is its own meme!

TikTok account holder @FurryFritz is an amazing cat photographer who always has the best photo sessions with his cats. We think he might have outdone himself this time with this hilarious "emoji challenge" done with a beautiful grey shorthair cat.

Just check out these awesome facial expressions! Both the cat and the photographer are way too talented.

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Everyone is loving this hilariously talented cat and @JanLewis195 comments, "Oh my God. I can't stop watching. I have to see them all. I'm glued to my chair." LOL! Us too! We have seen preteens do this challenge before and we like it way better with cats! @CatherineCoyle adds, "I’d pay way too much to have this photoshoot for my 2 cats." @Julieanna adds, "Your cats make the best faces! Now we know the secrets!" @AmeliaHanack replies, "Once again he understood the assignment!" @AshleyJean comments, "Are you kidding me! I am never not amazed by your skills!"

Now we just need him to have the cat do the shruggy emoji and our life would be complete! If it were up to our cats they'd really only do great at the puking emoji and the eye-rolling one. Oh! And we guess the gross poop one. They'd be experts at that. Eyeroll. Puke emoji. LOL.

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