Cat Dad Has the Sweetest Way of Making Sure Kitties Can Watch the Birds Together

Any cat owner can tell you how much their feline friends love watching birds, but it's best for cats to do this inside. It's estimated that outdoor cats, or cats who have outside access, kill anywhere between 1.3-4 billion birds each year.

That's why we absolutely love the way TikTok user @Dustydashdaisy 's husband has set up all the dining room chairs for their cats to have a bird viewing party! Watch the following cute and funny clip to see what we mean.

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We just love this whole scenario and TikTok users feel the same. @Bron comments, "Bless, your husband is a dream to all us with husbands that find cats irritating." Umm, pardon us Bron, but maybe you need a new husband LOL. @LM adds, "Great job! they all look so happy!! I love this! You have got some gorgeous cats!"

A lot of people were concerned about the blind strings and @Cat had a great solution with, "Tip from a fellow cat Mom of 4 you can loop the blinds cord a few times over one of the slats to keep out of their reach."

This is such a smart idea, setting up a viewing window for the cats, because studies have shown that outdoor cats can have a significant negative impact on bird populations, particularly for ground-nesting birds, small songbirds, and fledglings. Cats can contribute to declines in local bird populations, especially in urban and suburban areas.

Best to keep those kitties inside watching from behind a window and away from the birds! Plus, the way they are sitting all lined us is too adorable!

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