Cat Bravely Scares Off 2 Coyotes Attacking Family's Little Dog

Oakley the Shih-Tzu was outside doing his business one night recently when he was attacked by a coyote. The animal came out of nowhere and the little dog had no way to defend himself.

Except his big sister Binx the black cat was nearby. She jumped down and ran quickly at the coyotes, scaring them away and saving Oakley’s life.

The little dog was so hurt and needed to be rushed to the vet. He had bleeding out of his chest and side, and needed his right front leg to be splinted. Luckily, Oakley didn’t need to have his leg amputated due to his injuries and has made a full recovery.

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It’s a miracle that the cat thought to jump into the mix to scare the coyotes away. She didn’t know what would happen—but at that moment, it didn’t matter to her. She just wanted to make sure that she protected her brother.

This cat was such a guardian angel to the dog who probably wouldn’t have stood a chance without her. He is probably so grateful to her and makes sure to show his appreciation.

When Emergency Strikes

When an emergency strikes, you may be completely blindsided. You can try to be more prepared by keeping an emergency vet kit under your sink in the kitchen so that if your pet ever becomes injured you can help treat them before bringing them to the vet.

In the kit should be an astringent, some gauze, cotton balls, and bandages that wrap around to cover a wound. It should also contain some small garbage bags and blankets.

There are a ton of different things that can happen to an animal unfortunately, but the more you have packed in your emergency kit the more you can be prepared if an emergency does happen.

If an animal ever gets injured in your wake, you’ll be prepared with the correct supplies to help. These same supplies can also help in a human emergency situation. You never know when one will happen, so keep one in your house and one in your car. That way you can be prepared for any situation anytime.

Being prepped for an emergency situation can give you a peace of mind that you can appropriately respond to anything that happens around you. You will be well equipped to help in anyone’s time of need and you will also have the right tools to make a difference in someone’s ultimate recovery situation.

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